UN Special Representative’s Call for Action in the DRC Amidst Ongoing Crisis

UN Special Representative Bintou Keita addressed the Security Council, highlighting ongoing suffering in Ituri, North Kivu, and South Kivu due to attacks, roadblocks, and humanitarian access denial. She emphasized the displacement of over six million people in these areas and urged support for relief operations.

Ms. Keita discussed the planned departure of UN peacekeepers from the DRC and called for the Council’s clear expression on recommendations from the Secretary-General’s report. She mentioned upcoming detailed discussions and an action plan with authorities.

Gender-based violence remained a concern, with over 10,000 survivors seeking assistance in June and July. The UN Mission increased patrols to address the risk of sexual violence.

Political and regional solutions were stressed to combat armed groups in eastern DRC, with encouragement for former President Uhuru Kenyatta’s peace process efforts and regional engagement.

Essential security sector reforms were needed, along with the recruitment of 13,000 police officers for the 2023 elections to strengthen the rule of law.

Ms. Keita emphasized the importance of a conducive environment for MONUSCO’s withdrawal, condemned attacks on the mission, and expressed hope for justice regarding recent civilian killings in Goma.

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